Star wars empire strikes back
Star wars empire strikes back

star wars empire strikes back

(Attack of the Clones)Ģ2 BBY - Anakin takes on Ahsoka Tano as his apprentice. Geonosian leader Poggle the Lesser hands the Separatists’ Death Star plans to Count Dooku. Separatist leader Count Dooku is revealed to be Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, and chops off Anakin’s arm in a lightsaber duel. Naboo Senate Representative Jar Jar Binks calls for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to be given emergency powers to bring the Clone Army into service – those Clone Troopers subsequently follow the Jedi into action against Separatist forces on Geonosis. Padme becomes strangely attracted to him. Anakin slaughters an entire village of Tusken Raiders (men, women and children) in revenge for the death of his mother. Obi-Wan’s investigations into the assassin’s identity lead him to Kamino, where he discovers a fully-fledged Clone Army.

star wars empire strikes back star wars empire strikes back

(mentioned in The Mandalorian)Ģ2 BBY - Separatists make a couple of attempts on Senator Amidala’s life. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas commissions Kaminoan cloners to build an army for the Republic. Galaxy watches both their careers with great interest. Palpatine is elected Chancellor of the Republic, while Anakin starts his Jedi training. Queen Padme Amidala leads the liberation of Naboo, where Obi-Wan slices Darth Maul in two – sending him tumbling to his apparent death. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi discover Force-sensitive Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and save him from slavery. (referenced in The Mandalorian)ģ2 BBY - The Trade Federation escalates a scintillating trade dispute by blockading Naboo. (referenced The Phantom Menace)Īlso around this time, a young Yoda-like creature is born to mystery parents.


(The Acolyte, Disney Plus series)Ĥ1 BBY - Anakin Skywalker is somehow conceived by the Midichlorians and his mother, Shmi. (The High Republic novels and comic-book series)Įmerging dark-side powers soon take hold within the Jedi, as the Sith come to power. ~200 BBY - The Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order are at their zenith. ~900 BBY - Yoda is born, though nobody ever thought to ask what species he belongs to.

Star wars empire strikes back